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"\"", "0" ); $sender_smtp = mysql_execute ("SELECT smtp FROM sender WHERE sender_id = " . $sender_id, "0" ); $sender_name = mysql_execute ("SELECT name FROM sender WHERE sender_id = " . $sender_id, "0" ); $site_name = mysql_execute ( "SELECT valore FROM settings WHERE proprieta = 'portal_name'" , "0" ); $subject = $site_name . ": nuovo commento"; $path_site_frontend = mysql_execute("SELECT valore FROM settings WHERE proprieta = 'path_site_frontend'","0"); $approved_link = "" . md5( $comment_id ) . "&b=" . md5( $sender_email ) . "&c=" . md5( $sender_name ) . "&d=" . md5("approved") . "&e=" . md5( $license_id ); $not_approved_link = "" . md5( $comment_id ) . "&b=" . md5( $sender_email ) . "&c=" . md5( $sender_name ) . "&d=" . md5("not_approved") . "&e=" . md5( $license_id ); $body = ""; $body .= ""; $body .= "Titolo: " . $comment_title . "
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"; $body .= "
"; $body .= "Approva il commento effettuando un click sul seguente link:
"; $body .= "" . $approved_link . "
"; $body .= "
"; $body .= "Disapprova il commento effettuando un click sul seguente link:
"; $body .= "" . $not_approved_link . "
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" AND not_approved = 0 AND approved = 1 ORDER BY comment_id"; $exec = mysql_query( $query ); $num_comments = mysql_affected_rows(); $smarty->assign("num_comments", $num_comments); while ( $result = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $exec ) ){ $comment_id = $result["comment_id"]; $user_id = $result["user_id"]; $title = $result["title"]; $content = $result["content"]; $firstname = $result["firstname"]; $lastname = $result["lastname"]; $email = $result["email"]; $website = $result["website"]; $create_date = $result["create_date"]; $edit_date = $result["edit_date"]; array_push ( $arr_comments, array( "comment_id"=>$comment_id, "user_id"=>$user_id, "title"=>$title, "content"=>$content, "firstname"=>$firstname, "lastname"=>$lastname, "email"=>$email, "website"=>$website, "create_date"=>$create_date, "edit_date"=>$edit_date ) ); } $smarty->assign("arr_comments", $arr_comments); } // FINE GESTIONE COMMENTI //**************************************** //** GESTIONE COLLEGAMENTI ALLE SEZIONI ** //**************************************** $show_topic_index = mysql_execute ( "SELECT show_topic_index FROM hierarchy WHERE hierarchy_id = " . $current_section, "0" ); $smarty->assign("show_topic_index", $show_topic_index); $previous_hierarchy_id = mysql_execute ( "SELECT previous_hierarchy_id FROM hierarchy WHERE hierarchy_id = " . $current_section, "0" ); $previous_hierarchy_name = mysql_execute ( "SELECT name FROM hierarchy_description WHERE hierarchy_id = " . $previous_hierarchy_id . 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" AND language_id = " . $current_language, "0" ); $smarty->assign("index_hierarchy_name", $index_hierarchy_name); $smarty->assign("index_hierarchy_id", $index_hierarchy_id); // FINE GESTIONE COLLEGAMENTI ALLE SEZIONI //*************** //** PARAMETRI ** //*************** $parameter = array(); $query = " SELECT, PV.value, HP.hierarchy_id FROM ( hierarchy_parameter AS HP INNER JOIN parameter AS P ON ( HP.parameter_id = P.parameter_id ) ) INNER JOIN parameter_value AS PV ON ( P.parameter_id = PV.parameter_id ) AND ( HP.parameter_value_id = PV.parameter_value_id ) WHERE ( HP.hierarchy_id = " . $current_section . 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", " . $form["form_id"] . ", " . $input["input_id"] . ", " . $last_form_id . ", " . "\"" . $value . "\"," . "\"" . $date_insert . "\"" . 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